Nov 19, 2009

Hey bloggers.

Alright as you guys may know I go to a high school with uniforms. It's pretty cool. I like how I don't need to worry about what im going to wear the next day.Your morning routine is a lot faster if you have uniforms, becasue if you just wear normal clothes you're always trying to find the perfect outfit. But with uniforms you wear the same thing so it makes your routune faster. It's easy to get ready and you get to acceserize any way you want. Uniforms always have there ups and down's but personaly I think there are more up's then there are down's. Yeah uniforms can be hit, and really blahh, but they can be kinda cute too. I don't want to like change the subject but uniforms also help with bullying. Because a lot of people bully because the clothes you were. But with uniforms you can't bully them about there clothes, because you would be making fun of yourself to. So I think it makes everyone a lot happier. :) Anyways back on topic, uniforms can also make you look classier, like if you're from an upper class or something. Uniforms are good, because they show class, help with bullying and make your morning routine a lot faster. Thanks for reading

– Katie

1 comment:

  1. Hey Katie, I disagree with what you say about uniforms. In my opinion, I think that uniforms are a waste of time and non fashionable. As you may know I do not wear the uniform correctly because I think they are uncomfterble. I wear black cargo pants and a different color shirt everyday. I think they are a bad idea.
