Oct 30, 2009

Hey guys :)
Welcome to my second blog! Anyways im not gonna talk about a fashion trend today... i just wanted to let you guys in on my biggest pet peeve about guys fashion.. Im sure you guys have all seen it too. Alright so ever since iv been younger when somones tag is sticking out form the back of theere shirt I always have to say someting or do something about it. This one time I was in the movie theaters and some girl was sittign infront of me I have no idea who she was or anything. But the tag of her shirt was sticking out, so knowing me I reached over and fixed it for her.. I think she thought I was the weirdest person alive.. but whatever :) She gave me the dirtiest look in the worl. But I dint even care cause I felt better :) Another one of my pet peeves are when your shirt hs the arm things to hang it up on a hanger.. know what im talking about? There the palstic things. But whatever thoses things make me angry too.. I didnt tuk them in or anything but when I see them sticking out I usally go up to the person to fix it, even if i dont know them.. I dont know why theses things bother me so much they just do. :)
I just wanted to share with you guys. I hope you have a good Halloween weekend :)

Oct 29, 2009

Hey guys :)
Welcome to my first official blog on fashion!!
Since winter is right around the corner, and its starting to get chilly, i thought i would help you guys out with how to layer your clothes :).
When you layer your clothes you don't want to look bulky, so for that not to happen, you want to have thin layers and then work your way to thicker layers. If that makes sense? lol
I don't have any pictures right now, but i promise i will post some pictures of bad layering within the next couple days :)
But okay, when i was talking about thin to thick layering what i mean is, don't put a huge sweater on the a tiny t shirt on top? You know..
If you decide to take my advice and layer your clothes make sure you have the smallest layer on the bottom, so say your going to a hockey game or like public skating, you could wear something warm and still fashionable...
Like you get a cute solid colour t shirt like yellow or a light blue, it could even be a long sleeve shirt whatever you like, a cute cardigan over that and then you can add a vest or a cute jacket :)
But make sure your clothes fit you properly!! Because if they don't you will look like a mess.. just saying :)
If you read my first blog entry you will know that this is for my English class, and since my English class is all guys i thought i would help you guys out with your fashion too :)
Guys you can layer too! It's simple :)
you guys don't need 3 layers cause it seems like your always warm but you can if you want :)
I think you guys get the idea :)
I hope.. :)
if you guys have any questions you can email me at
bissonnette7@gmail.com :)
-- katieeeee

Oct 27, 2009

Hey bloggers :)
My name is Katie and I just want to tell you guys why im blogging about fashion. Since iv been younger I was always into fashion. Im still young now, but I just want you guys to know whats in and out this fall season. And also for the rest of the year. The fashion world is very interesting. There are so many domains in fashion. Im mostly going to be talking about womens fashion, but I will randemly throw in some suggestions for men's fashions too.The reason i chose to talk about fashion is beacuse its awsome!I'm actually doing this blog for my enlish class, but I thought it would be pretty fun. Because I get to talk about something that I actually want to talk about. Fashion is cool, and you dont always need a lot of money to look good, and you dont need to be wearing brand names. You can look fashionable with clothes from 1960, as long as it fits you right and dosent look like its actually from the stone ages. :) Well I don't really know what els to say, but thankyou for reading my blog. And I hope that you guys like it, and continu reading it. I will try my best to write a couples times a week.
– KATIE :)