Dec 6, 2009

Hey all :)

Alright so today I wanted to talk about different hairstyles. :) Alright so I know once girls get to a certain age they want to start dying there hair and trying different styles with it. And I think it's a great way to show your personality, and I think it also makes us feel better about ourselves. Over the past 3 years, so since I started high school I've dyed my hair over 50 times!! And probably even more then that. I'm the kind of person that get's really bored with my hair really fast, so every 3 to 4 weeks I want to change my hair. And it's like the worse thing ever,but the good thing is that my hair isn't falling out yet so I guess that's a good thing. But anyways, instead of dying you hair all the time you can try and style it a different way, or even get a different hair cut then you usually get done. It makes a big difference. Because once you start dying your hair it's really hard to stop, and it's also really hard to get back to your natural colour!! But for example if you have really long hair and your getting bored with it, try cutting like 5inches off, or even more then that. It will make you feel so fresh and like a new person. :) Well that's all I have for now.


1 comment:

  1. Hey Katie

    I like your blog about hairstyles, because it’s true I always see you with a different hair colour every month. After reading your blog I thought to myself that I needed a new hairstyle, so I took a shower and I was playing with water in my hair (styling it) and saw that my hair looks good with a big fohawk and for a while now I will wear it like that. Thanks :)

