Dec 15, 2009

Hey bloggers,

So this past weekend was my birthday :) I finally turned 16!!! And my parents got me this beautiful Coach purse and wallet. They are so nice. So today as you probably guessed, I'm going to talk to you about different purses. In today's society there are a lot of different kinds of purses, and just like clothes they don't always have to be brand names. Me personally I like big purses! And that's because I always take like my room with me everywhere I go. But not everyone can pull them off I think. Because if you are a really petite girl and you have this huge bag that's like half the size as you, people are gonna be like what the? I don't know, lol that's just me. But I also like my little purse's when I'm going to a restaurant or to a fancy party, or something. Because all you really need are a few things. Name brand purses always aren't the best. Last Christmas I got a Chanel purse, and I put my key chain in it, and it ripped all the material. So from personal experience brand names aren't always the best bet. Yeah you might pay a lot but that doesn't mean that it's gonna last you a long time.

That's all for now...


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