Jan 3, 2010

Hey bloggers!

Happy New Years :)

Anyways, so this past Christmas break I noticed a few fashion trends. And I really like them, I actually own both things. The first thing is leather jackets, and the second thing are hats. Most leather jackets that I've seen have been really nice. I don't think they were all real, but they looked it, and that's all that really matters. :) My parents actually got me this really nice leather coat for Christmas, and it's not like a really fancy one, but it's not a bummy coat either. Leather coats can be worn with like anything. You can wear them to dress up an outfit, and you can also wear leather coats when you just want to look casual and you wear a pair of jeans with them. Leather tends to make an outfit a lot nicer. But if you do get a leather coat make sure it's the right colour. Because if you get a white leather coat and you go somwhere you know it's gonna get dirty you can't really wear it, cause then you're just gonna have to spend more money on getting your coat clean. And the other trend are hats, and not like a basball hat, but a cute simple winter hat, they make an outfit look more casual, but they are really cute. But that's all for now. Till next time. :)


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