Jan 21, 2010

Hey bloggers,

So this is my last blog!
And I just wanted to thank you for reading my blog. I hope you learnt soem stuff about fashion. And what you should and shouldn't do. I honestly don't care if you liked my blog. It was fun writign it while I had to. If I could I would prrbably write a blog about somethign else tho. Yeah I like fashion but I enjoy sports a lott more.
Anyways, I hope you guys liked my blog. I enjoyed reading yours. :)

Thanks for reading

– Katiee

Jan 19, 2010

Hey bloggers,

So today i'm going to talk to you about pregnant people :)
well actually just pregnant ladies, casue men cant't ger pregnant. Anyways so lately a lot of celeberties have had babies, like Ashley Simpson and Pete Wentz, Jamie Lynn Spears and i'm not sure about her husband's name. Nicole Richie and her husband, Gwen Stafani and her husband. Nicole Kidman and Tim Mcgraw. Anyways I could go on forever.. But I wanted to talk to you about Nicole Richie.
She got pregnant a few years ago when she was really sick and when she was on a lot of different drugs. Anyways since she had her first son she got a lot better and even started her own clothes line but specificaly a maternity line for pregnant women. And when she annouced she was going to start this line she also announced that she was pregnant. So when she was pregnant she obviously wore her own line. And that gave it a lot of attention and a lot of celeberties started wearing her line. Her line is really nice, and it's not even that expensive. Her women and babies line is called winter Kate. Nicole Richie also has a jewlery line. You can find all of her items as well as her LA store.

-- Katiee
Hey bloggers,

Alright so lately I've been noticing how fashion has changed. Like back in the day fashion was like really formal. I actually really liked it. Like if you look at pictires there clothes were so cute. And there hair was all fancy and they just looked awsome. Liek for example if you watch the movie greese. All there clothes are awsome and just like 60's I think it's soo cool! Also back in the day they got there hair done all the time. It was really nice, and they usally kept it in for days at a time. Clothes back then were a lot richer and better fabric. Like now days if you go to like Hollister or something you pay good money for the clothes, but as soon as you put it in the dryer it's ruined. Same thing with hair and stuff. Like now day's you pay like 100$ for a cut and colour. And back then you probably pay like 20$ for the same thing. It was probably so much easier living back then, because things were so much better and a lot cheaper. And now I think people just slack off, and don't really care as long as they're getting paid for it.

– Katiee

Jan 18, 2010

Hey Bloggers :)

So today I'm going to talk to you guys about school uniforms.
A lot of people don't like them and think they're really ugly. But they can actually be really nice.
At most school you can still accessorize and still make the uniform look a lot better. But you just can't wear any colours under your uniform except for white, black or grey.
I actually go to a high school with uniforms. And I think they actually benefit are school in a lot of ways. Yeah they're not fashionable if that's how you want to put it but think about all the money you're probably saving and all the time you save in the morning getting ready. And this is off the topic of fashion but uniforms help the bullying level at school's too. Because everyone is wearing the same thing, you can't pick on them cause there clothes. Anyways, with your uniform for girls you can wear jewelry, like a nice necklace with some colour, some earnings and they can be little or big, it just gives your uniform something. :) Guy's and girls can also wear belt's. That helps keep your pants up and can also bring more life to your uniform or even an outfit that you're wearing out.

Well that's all for now.

-- Katie

Jan 15, 2010

Hey Bloggers,

Alright so today I thought I would talk to you about shoess! :)
If you know who I am I think you would agree that i have too many shoes. And that I even have an obbsesion. I have over 50 pairs of shoes. But anyways shoes are important to every outfit.
Becasuse whenever you leave your hosue you need shoes. Obviously. Anyways so if you don't have shoes I feel sorry for you, lol But so on a daily basis I'm sure most peopel on average wear runnign shoes and jsut comfy shoes. But you can always wear cute flats and you can even find really comfy heels. I have a lot of heels and all of them are like really comfy!! On average most Canadians wear comfy shoes. And if you actually take your time and look you can find a lot of fancier shoes and still have comfort. Anyways, most of my shoes are from Bogo and Aldo. And i've actualyl had a lot of luck at Wal Mart so many people say that oh that stuff is all poop, but if you actualyl look you can find soem nice deals and really nice stuff. :)

Thats all for now

-- Katiee
Hey Bloggers

So the other day I was at the mall and I noticed a lot of people wearign pj's. So today I'm going to talk to you guys about clothes that you wear out in public. I personally think that if you are goign to wear pj's it should only be if your a teenager, or a kid. When adults do it it looks trashy and just un proffesional. Yeah I know a lot of people have that attitude of oh who care's. I have that attitude sometimes, but then again im a teenager. And I shouldn't care w hat peopel are thinking of me. But I thing the more adults that do that and wear bummy clothes around everywhere, a lot more people are gonna starty doign the same thing. And then sooner or later it's gonna be like a giant pajama party. And we don't need that. Haha. Like I understand if youre just going grocerie shopping or something but even that, I think that you can just go throw some jeans on. You don't need to wear pajama's. If you're all about comfort and casul wear comfy jeans, or even a cute sweat suit. It's a lot better then seeign everyone in pj's when it's the middle of the day.

Well that's all for now.


Jan 7, 2010

Hey bloggers!
So over the Christmas Holiday, I watched the Hangover like 4 times, I don't know if you guys know what happend but there is this guy Allen, and he has a satchel. A satchel is like a man bag, or as girls would call it a purse. I think that guys should use man purses if they want to but i'm sure a lot of people get the wrong idea when they see guys's with them. I personally don't care at all. It's your life. You decide what you wear . And that's the same thing with all my other blogs, I don't really care if you chose to listen to me or not. Cause in the end of the day your comftorable i nwhat you are wearing. And it's who you are so whatever.. :) Anyways back to the point of man purses. Honestly if i seen a guy with a satchel it would be awsome. And it's probably so handy too. Cause all guys really bring with them are wallets, and soem times you need to brign more with you. And a satchel can help you with that. :)
So I think that it would be pretty cool to seee more guys wearing satchels. :)

well till next time :)
– Katiiee

Jan 3, 2010

Hey bloggers!

Today I want to talk about hairstyles again. Alright so I just recently died my hair back to a blondish brown colour. But it's not the best idea to die your hair lighter during the winter. And that's because the hair is so cold and it's already damaging your hair, so when you die it lighter especially during the winter your hair is going to get damaged even more then what it would if you died it during the summer. And the reason why I do dye my hair blonde during the winter is because I go tanning during the winter and I like my hair blonde when I have a light tan. But in the summer I get a lot darker, and I like my hair darker when I have a really dark tan. :) Another really cute thing going on now are straight bangs. But if you do get straight bangs make sure you don't get them cut too short. And that's so if you change your mind one day and you want to put your bangs to the side you still can. Straight bangs can also make it look like your hair has more shape around your face, it gives it a really nice look. And what i mean by more shape around your face is that when the hair dresser cuts your hair she or he will give you a but more layer near your face, so it just gives your face more boom, lol :)

All for now..

Hey bloggers!

Happy New Years :)

Anyways, so this past Christmas break I noticed a few fashion trends. And I really like them, I actually own both things. The first thing is leather jackets, and the second thing are hats. Most leather jackets that I've seen have been really nice. I don't think they were all real, but they looked it, and that's all that really matters. :) My parents actually got me this really nice leather coat for Christmas, and it's not like a really fancy one, but it's not a bummy coat either. Leather coats can be worn with like anything. You can wear them to dress up an outfit, and you can also wear leather coats when you just want to look casual and you wear a pair of jeans with them. Leather tends to make an outfit a lot nicer. But if you do get a leather coat make sure it's the right colour. Because if you get a white leather coat and you go somwhere you know it's gonna get dirty you can't really wear it, cause then you're just gonna have to spend more money on getting your coat clean. And the other trend are hats, and not like a basball hat, but a cute simple winter hat, they make an outfit look more casual, but they are really cute. But that's all for now. Till next time. :)
