Jan 7, 2010

Hey bloggers!
So over the Christmas Holiday, I watched the Hangover like 4 times, I don't know if you guys know what happend but there is this guy Allen, and he has a satchel. A satchel is like a man bag, or as girls would call it a purse. I think that guys should use man purses if they want to but i'm sure a lot of people get the wrong idea when they see guys's with them. I personally don't care at all. It's your life. You decide what you wear . And that's the same thing with all my other blogs, I don't really care if you chose to listen to me or not. Cause in the end of the day your comftorable i nwhat you are wearing. And it's who you are so whatever.. :) Anyways back to the point of man purses. Honestly if i seen a guy with a satchel it would be awsome. And it's probably so handy too. Cause all guys really bring with them are wallets, and soem times you need to brign more with you. And a satchel can help you with that. :)
So I think that it would be pretty cool to seee more guys wearing satchels. :)

well till next time :)
– Katiiee

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