Dec 15, 2009

Hey bloggers,

So this past weekend was my birthday :) I finally turned 16!!! And my parents got me this beautiful Coach purse and wallet. They are so nice. So today as you probably guessed, I'm going to talk to you about different purses. In today's society there are a lot of different kinds of purses, and just like clothes they don't always have to be brand names. Me personally I like big purses! And that's because I always take like my room with me everywhere I go. But not everyone can pull them off I think. Because if you are a really petite girl and you have this huge bag that's like half the size as you, people are gonna be like what the? I don't know, lol that's just me. But I also like my little purse's when I'm going to a restaurant or to a fancy party, or something. Because all you really need are a few things. Name brand purses always aren't the best. Last Christmas I got a Chanel purse, and I put my key chain in it, and it ripped all the material. So from personal experience brand names aren't always the best bet. Yeah you might pay a lot but that doesn't mean that it's gonna last you a long time.

That's all for now...


Dec 11, 2009

Hey Bloggers :)

So as you all know its Christmas soon!! In like 15 days or soemthing like that. :)
I'm pretty excited. But what I wanted to talk to you guys about today is things that you could wear during your holidays. There are a lot of different options that you could wear for the Christmas /New year time. When I think about Christmas colours I think about green and red. For example last year I wore a red dress and a black scarf. It was really casuall but really Christmasy. This year I plan on wearing a green long sleeve shirt that's past my butt and black leggings.Leggings are still really in style so you can wear them with anything. But if you do wear leggings make sure your shirt is long enough so that it passes your butt. You dont want to wear leggings and then have a shirt that's at your waiste, it will look like your leggings are pants that are too tight and probably a lot shorter then what normal pants would be wearing. Also you don't have to be too fancy for Christmas if you are staying in,yeah it's nice to dress up, but you don't have to wear like a prom dress. But you don't want to be really bummy either. Personally I would never wear jeans for Christmas. But say I did I would try to make it look fancier with a nice top and heels.

Well that's all for noww :)


Dec 6, 2009

Hey guyss :)

Alright so it's finally starting to snow in Windsor!! And you're going to have to start wearing boots. I'm sure a lot of people have already been wearing them for a while just because it's like freezing outside. But there are a lot of different kinds of boots you can wear for the winter. But one thing that you want is comfort and warmth. There are a lot of different kind of boots you can wear but the most comfortable in my opinion are Uggs!! And they pass the comfort, warmth and cute criteria. :) Other kinds of boots are like the Emus, they are are similar to Uggs, but they aren't as pricey. They pass the comfort, warmth and cute criteria as well as the Uggs. Here is another type of boot you can wear, theses boots are from wild diva, they are like a fringe platform. Theses boots are warm and really cute. They are comfortable but if you plan on walking a lot and being on your feet for a long period of time I wouldn't wear theses boots. Another really cute boot is from Roxy, they are a graphic cuff flat foot boot, I actually own theses boots, and they are extremely comfy,but they are not the greatest for the snow. But that's all i have for now. Till next timee. :)

Hey all :)

Alright so today I wanted to talk about different hairstyles. :) Alright so I know once girls get to a certain age they want to start dying there hair and trying different styles with it. And I think it's a great way to show your personality, and I think it also makes us feel better about ourselves. Over the past 3 years, so since I started high school I've dyed my hair over 50 times!! And probably even more then that. I'm the kind of person that get's really bored with my hair really fast, so every 3 to 4 weeks I want to change my hair. And it's like the worse thing ever,but the good thing is that my hair isn't falling out yet so I guess that's a good thing. But anyways, instead of dying you hair all the time you can try and style it a different way, or even get a different hair cut then you usually get done. It makes a big difference. Because once you start dying your hair it's really hard to stop, and it's also really hard to get back to your natural colour!! But for example if you have really long hair and your getting bored with it, try cutting like 5inches off, or even more then that. It will make you feel so fresh and like a new person. :) Well that's all I have for now.

Hey again :)

Today I'm going to talk to you guys about accessorizing : ) A lot of people think that the more stuff you wear the better you look, well they're wrong. I personally think the more accessories you wear make you look really bulky. For example if you are wearing a simple white t-shirt and dark skinny jeans your not going to wear a million bangles a droopy necklace big hoop earnings and a couple rings. You will look like a two year old put jewelry on you. I'm not saying you cant wear all that stuff, but I definitely think you shouldn't. Accessories are not something to be worn with every outfit you wear, but they give your outfit a little something extra to a boring outfit. Here are a few tips when you are planning on wearing jewelry. :)

- If you are going to wear a flashy necklace DO NOT wear hoop earnings, you can wear studs, or something really simple, but if you have to much jewelry at the top of your body, it looks like you have to much on.

- When you wear bangles you can wear rings, but make sure your rings aren't oversized for your bangles.

And like i said prior to this don't wear all theses things together, you will look to flashy and childish.

-- Katiee
Hey guyss :)

So today I was at the mall and I seen this mom walking with her daughter threw the food court. I never noticed how bad parents dress their kids lol !! Like yeah I get that there little and they don't care what they look like, but why would a parent let their child look like a total psycho?! Anyways who am I to judge them. The parents might actually be letting the kid dress themselves. But whatever, I guess it's always good to let the child express themselves and where what they want, but it goes to a certain extent in my opinion. Like yeah it's a good way for them to grow up and feel like they have more responsibility.... even if they're only like 4. When I was younger my mom used to dress me really badly and now when I look at pictures I don't believe her. Because I don't think I would have dressed myself that badly. I always had a cute fashion sense. So all I really wanted to say is that parents let your kid's dress themselves but make sure they still look decent :) Thanks for readinggg :)

-- Katiee

Nov 23, 2009

Hey bloggers,
What I want to talk to you guys about today is makeup! :)
Makeup can be a big part of your day to day fashion. A lot of people disagree with that, but I think its the truth. The reason why I think makeup is important to your day to day fashion is because, you could have an amazing outfit, but that outfit could look like crap if your makeup looks like crap. Or your outfit could be really crumby, but the way you did your makeup makes it stand out and makes you look good. Makeup has a lot to do with your everyday look, but don't get me wrong the bare look can make everything look good too. Not having any makeup on makes you look more neutral and calm. And their are actually a lot of guys who aren't attracted to girls who wear a lot of makeup, because it makes them look fake, and like there pretending to be something there not. Makeup can be fun though. You can try different things that you're not used to. The best place to practice wearing makeup is school. Because if it doesn't look all that great your friends will say something to you,but if it looks good, you know that you can wear your makeup like that when you go out. So it's a win win :)
Thanks for reading.

Hey bloggers,
Last night were the American Music Awards. Their were a lot of famous singers and celebrities there. Obviously. But what i realized was the big fashion trend this year. The fashion trend is sparkles, and sequence!!! That's what most people were wearing last night. I actually agree with these fashion statements. Sparkles and sequence have always been “in style” but they are now just starting to get a lot bigger and more attention. You can wear sparkles and sequence anytime. You can wear them to dress up or even going to some place casual, it doesn't really matter how you wear them as long as you can pull it off. But I think the more people wear them the bigger this trend will get. But i think it also depends on who wears the trends. Because if you see a not so famous celebrity wearing sparkles your not gonna think all that much of it. But if you see someone really famous your gonna want to try and look the same way, and wear the same clothes as her or him, that's how trends start. Another big trend setter this season is girls wearing suits. Not like full out man's suit but like a cute lady's suit.

Thanks for reading.
-- katie

Nov 19, 2009

Hey bloggers.

Alright as you guys may know I go to a high school with uniforms. It's pretty cool. I like how I don't need to worry about what im going to wear the next day.Your morning routine is a lot faster if you have uniforms, becasue if you just wear normal clothes you're always trying to find the perfect outfit. But with uniforms you wear the same thing so it makes your routune faster. It's easy to get ready and you get to acceserize any way you want. Uniforms always have there ups and down's but personaly I think there are more up's then there are down's. Yeah uniforms can be hit, and really blahh, but they can be kinda cute too. I don't want to like change the subject but uniforms also help with bullying. Because a lot of people bully because the clothes you were. But with uniforms you can't bully them about there clothes, because you would be making fun of yourself to. So I think it makes everyone a lot happier. :) Anyways back on topic, uniforms can also make you look classier, like if you're from an upper class or something. Uniforms are good, because they show class, help with bullying and make your morning routine a lot faster. Thanks for reading

– Katie

Nov 10, 2009

Hey bloggers :)
Alright so I have a video for you guys to watch, its about Rihanna. Rihanna actually recently won Glamour women of the year. I agree with this 110%. Rihanna seems like she is a really down to earth kinda girl, and someone who could really help you with your problems. But that's besides the point. Rihanna has brought so many different styles to today's fashion. For only being 21 shes awesome! If you look at most of the fashion trends of 2009 Rihanna started most of them. It's crazy how much influence one person can have. Uhm this video has a lot of different things about Rihanna and not just how shes glamourous. It's pretty interesting though. It talks about how she's been threw so much this year with everything that happened with her and ex-boyfriend Chris Brown and it's also talking about all the charity work she does for children, and teenage girls. Kudos goes out to her. For only being 21 years old I'm sure Rihanna has a lot more style tips for the world as she gets older and more knowledge. Rihanna is an idol to a lot of people. Well that's all for know. Thanks for readingg.


Hey bloggers :)
So today I want to talk to you about brand names, and how you don't need them to look good. I'm also going to be telling you a few tips on how to make sure pants fit you right! A lot of people think they need to have all theses fancy brand name clothes just so they look good. Well they're wrong! I don't want to mention names but there are some brand name clothes that their clothes don't even last. You wash it once and it's already ruined, there's no point in spending like 40 bucks on a shirt and you can only wear it once. And I'm not saying that you can't buy brand names. Yeah it's cool to have, but it's not everything. You can always look good as long as you know how to mix and match your clothing. In a girl or guys wardrobe it's important to have to have at least a few pairs of pants that actually fit you in all the right places. For girls you don't want dress pants to be clinging to your thighs, you want them to fit comfortably but not ridiculously tight. It's also important that they're not falling off your butt, cause no one wants to see that. For guys, you definitely DO NOT I repeat DO NOT want your pants to tight!When guy's have pants that are to tight it seems like you're doing it on purpose or you're borrowing the pants from your girlfriend or something. It's not attractive. Make sure your pants have room so that you can breath, and move around in. Well bloggers that's all I have for know. Till next time! :)

-- Katiee

Oct 30, 2009

Hey guys :)
Welcome to my second blog! Anyways im not gonna talk about a fashion trend today... i just wanted to let you guys in on my biggest pet peeve about guys fashion.. Im sure you guys have all seen it too. Alright so ever since iv been younger when somones tag is sticking out form the back of theere shirt I always have to say someting or do something about it. This one time I was in the movie theaters and some girl was sittign infront of me I have no idea who she was or anything. But the tag of her shirt was sticking out, so knowing me I reached over and fixed it for her.. I think she thought I was the weirdest person alive.. but whatever :) She gave me the dirtiest look in the worl. But I dint even care cause I felt better :) Another one of my pet peeves are when your shirt hs the arm things to hang it up on a hanger.. know what im talking about? There the palstic things. But whatever thoses things make me angry too.. I didnt tuk them in or anything but when I see them sticking out I usally go up to the person to fix it, even if i dont know them.. I dont know why theses things bother me so much they just do. :)
I just wanted to share with you guys. I hope you have a good Halloween weekend :)

Oct 29, 2009

Hey guys :)
Welcome to my first official blog on fashion!!
Since winter is right around the corner, and its starting to get chilly, i thought i would help you guys out with how to layer your clothes :).
When you layer your clothes you don't want to look bulky, so for that not to happen, you want to have thin layers and then work your way to thicker layers. If that makes sense? lol
I don't have any pictures right now, but i promise i will post some pictures of bad layering within the next couple days :)
But okay, when i was talking about thin to thick layering what i mean is, don't put a huge sweater on the a tiny t shirt on top? You know..
If you decide to take my advice and layer your clothes make sure you have the smallest layer on the bottom, so say your going to a hockey game or like public skating, you could wear something warm and still fashionable...
Like you get a cute solid colour t shirt like yellow or a light blue, it could even be a long sleeve shirt whatever you like, a cute cardigan over that and then you can add a vest or a cute jacket :)
But make sure your clothes fit you properly!! Because if they don't you will look like a mess.. just saying :)
If you read my first blog entry you will know that this is for my English class, and since my English class is all guys i thought i would help you guys out with your fashion too :)
Guys you can layer too! It's simple :)
you guys don't need 3 layers cause it seems like your always warm but you can if you want :)
I think you guys get the idea :)
I hope.. :)
if you guys have any questions you can email me at :)
-- katieeeee

Oct 27, 2009

Hey bloggers :)
My name is Katie and I just want to tell you guys why im blogging about fashion. Since iv been younger I was always into fashion. Im still young now, but I just want you guys to know whats in and out this fall season. And also for the rest of the year. The fashion world is very interesting. There are so many domains in fashion. Im mostly going to be talking about womens fashion, but I will randemly throw in some suggestions for men's fashions too.The reason i chose to talk about fashion is beacuse its awsome!I'm actually doing this blog for my enlish class, but I thought it would be pretty fun. Because I get to talk about something that I actually want to talk about. Fashion is cool, and you dont always need a lot of money to look good, and you dont need to be wearing brand names. You can look fashionable with clothes from 1960, as long as it fits you right and dosent look like its actually from the stone ages. :) Well I don't really know what els to say, but thankyou for reading my blog. And I hope that you guys like it, and continu reading it. I will try my best to write a couples times a week.
– KATIE :)